Wednesday, October 9, 2013

New Find Alert!!!!!!!!!!! Singer, Songwriter and Performer Leah Finkelstein.

I have two hopes for this blog. I am hoping to have some dialogs with my readers on this blog.  And I am hoping to discover new talent from my audience to enjoy as well as bringing you honest reviews of popular stuff. 
A writer that I've been following and hope to introduce you to very shortly, introduced me to the work of Leah Finkelstein.
Leah has two albums that are available on iTunes and Amazon MP3: “Dear Claudia” and “Feigning Composure.”  I can't believe how good she is, and that I never heard of her.  Leah has an amazing voice and if all she did, were covers of other people's work, I think eventually she would release something that would be a huge hit. We've seen it before with remakes all the time.  But she writes and there’s always the risk that you'll be a better singer than the material you're performing.  Luckily for Leah, this isn't the case.  Her skills and songwriting and arranging seem to be as talented and honed as her performance.
These are two great works and while I have to admit, I am slightly more partial to “Dear Claudia” though “Feigning Composure” is so great and close to “Dear Claudia,” it would be hard for me to recommend only one of the two.  I think most people would love either one and I think if you like one, you’ll like the other.  
Leah, and her songs, have that deep bluesy quality, of a Norah Jones.  In fact, like Jones, you might expect to have heard some of these songs on the radio in the 70's and 80's but Leah has a quality that transcends genre and time and would seem an exact fit on any radio; especially today's eclectic, soulful sounds.
I’ve enjoyed many indie albums and usually the sound is great but the writing leaves me flat.  Very rarely, it is the other way around.  Sometimes it is the production that falls short.  I am about as impressed as I could be with these albums.  If I first heard them played on the radio I would not have been surprised.  And if they ever managed to get the airplay they deserve, you’d all know about them already!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I'm just seeing this for the first time! This is FANTASTIC and thank you so much! What a delightful way to end my week. Truly. Thank you. I wish we lived in the same town so that I could buy you a cocktail! I have a new album coming out, so I'll be sure to send you one of the first copies for you to listen to. Thanks so much again and have a fantastic weekend!
